Dialysis one type of artificial replacement therapy if lost kidney function the need a dialysis by artificial process. waste diffusion and unwanted altrafiltration from the blood are kidney may have field or damage kidney which cannot carry out out the function properly the need a dialysis hemodialysis HD dialysis

what is Hemodialysis

what is HD short

difference between dialysis and hemodialysis

im clear you . Dialysis one type of artificial replacement therapy if lost kidney function the need a dialysis by artificial process. waste diffusion and unwanted altrafiltration from the blood are kidney may have field or damage kidney which cannot carry out out the function properly the need a dialysis

in other words dialysis is the article replacement therapy 4 lost kidnet function renal replacement therapy/ threphy

2nd point : Dialysis and hemodialysis, HD same treatment

dialysis and hemodialysis both are same.

sled treatment also same but slowly treatment sled men’s Slow low efficiency dialysis.

what is Hemodialysis

what is sled plz go on my YouTube channel: life of way+

click on my YouTube channel link see video medical information for knowledge and education parpose.



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