Normalizing glomerular filtration rate to body surface area. The appropriate divisor to use when adjusting GFR for body size is a matter of debate, but traditionally, GFR is normalized to body surface area (BSA) in adults – typically 1.73 per square meter of BSA. m (average BSA in adults of the early 20th century). BSA can be calculated by various formulas, including Gehan and George (1970) which depends only on height and weight: BSA = 0.0235 x Wo.51456x H0.422446 where W = weight in kg and H = Height in cm. When GFR is normalized to BSA, the GFR/1.73 m is similar in young adult men and women and ranges from 110 to 120 mL/min. In children under 2 years of age, the GFR/1.73 square meter is also closer to 110 to 120 mL/minute

Normalizing Glomerular filtration rate to body surface Area.

Normal Glomerular Filtration rates.

Normalizing glomerular filtration rate to body surface area. The appropriate divisor to use when adjusting GFR for body size is a matter of debate, but traditionally, GFR is normalized to body surface area (BSA) in adults – typically 1.73 per square meter of BSA. m (average BSA in adults of the early 20th century). BSA can be calculated by various formulas, including Gehan and George (1970) which depends only on height and weight: BSA = 0.0235 x Wo.51456x H0.422446 where W = weight in kg and H = Height in cm. When GFR is normalized to BSA, the GFR/1.73 m is similar in young adult men and women and ranges from 110 to 120 mL/min. In children under 2 years of age, the GFR/1.73 square meter is also closer to 110 to 120 mL/minute.

Exame : How to normalize GFR RATE TO 1.73 m² BSA

Example: How to normalize GFR to 1.73 m BSA: Assume raw GFR is 100 mL/min

he can

If BSA = 1.5 m²;  Multiply 100 by 1.73/1.50

GFR/1.73 m²=115 ml/min

If BSA = 2.0 m²;  Multiply 100 by 1.73/2.0 GFR/1.73 m² = 86 mL/min

normal grf rate formula

what is Gfr

GFR rateted kidney



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