Normal Glomerular Filtration rates.
Normalizing glomerular filtration rate to body surface area. The appropriate divisor to use when adjusting GFR for body size is a matter of debate, but traditionally, GFR is normalized to body surface area (BSA) in adults – typically 1.73 per square meter of BSA. m (average BSA in adults of the early 20th century). BSA can be calculated by various formulas, including Gehan and George (1970) which depends only on height and weight: BSA = 0.0235 x Wo.51456x H0.422446 where W = weight in kg and H = Height in cm. When GFR is normalized to BSA, the GFR/1.73 m is similar in young adult men and women and ranges from 110 to 120 mL/min. In children under 2 years of age, the GFR/1.73 square meter is also closer to 110 to 120 mL/minute.
Exame : How to normalize GFR RATE TO 1.73 m² BSA
Example: How to normalize GFR to 1.73 m BSA: Assume raw GFR is 100 mL/min
he can
If BSA = 1.5 m²; Multiply 100 by 1.73/1.50
GFR/1.73 m²=115 ml/min
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