kidney function and it’s work
what is kidney work
The main function of kidneys is to filter the blood up to 40 times every day to remove impurities Most people have 2 kidneys located 85 above the waist. Kidneys are a pair of reddish-brown, bean-shaped organs, and about the size of a fist
how kidney work
Filter about 200 liters of blood every 24 hours to remove waste Helps in red blood cells production Regulate blood pressure Produces about 2 liters of urine Regulate salt and water balance in bodyHelps to keep bone healthy by balancing minerals in bodyOur kidneys are very hard-working organs and are important for our overall health. Thus, it is important to keep the kidneys healthy.
When bladder becomes full, urine passes out of the body through urethraWaste material passes through the ureterStored in the bladder. as urineAnd is cleaned by passing through millions of tiny blood hers Blood enters the kidne ys.
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