Heparin use

Heparin use

Several different methods of heparinization have been proposed, complete description of whichis beyond the scope of this book. The filter can be pre-rinsed with heparin, and heparin infusedat a rate of 1000-2000 units as a loading dose and then at 5-10 units/kg/hour with adjustmentabeing made by PTT or activated clotting time

Low Molecular Weight Heparin

Experience with LMWH (heparin fractions in the 4-7 kd range) in continuous therapy is limited [4]. The major advantage of this method is the (unproven) possibility of a lower risk ofbleeding complications. It is, however, more expensive than regular heparin, has a longer halflife (> ten hours) and monitoring (by anti-Factor X activity) is not yet widely available, and isdifficult.


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