You shouldn’t perform dialysis yourself, especially the first time. It’s a medical procedure that requires a trained professional. There are two main types of dialysis
Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.Here’s a general idea of what happens during the first session for each type:
resources that you may find helpful:
Hemodialysis: This uses a machine to filter your blood. A nurse or technician will insert needles into a fistula (an access created by joining an artery and vein) in your arm or leg. Your blood will flow through the machine, which will remove waste products and extra fluid. The cleaned blood will then be returned to your body. Your first session will likely take place in a dialysis center.
Peritoneal dialysis: This uses a special fluid inside your abdomen to clean your blood. A doctor will surgically place a catheter into your abdomen. The dialysis fluid will flow into your abdomen, absorb waste products and extra fluid, and then be drained out. You can potentially do peritoneal dialysis at home after training from a healthcare professional.If your doctor has recommended dialysis for you, they will discuss the specifics of the procedure with you, including which type is best for you. They will also refer you to a dialysis center or train you for home dialysis
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